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Rules of Association of The St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust

Rule 1- Membership

    1. There shall be the following classes of members of the Trust:
        1. HONORARY MEMBERS: Those persons whom the Board of Trustees shall admit to membership in the Trust without the payment of any subscription.

        1. BENEFACTORS OF THE TRUST: Those persons who shall have:
            1. donated an aggregate of $2,500.00 to the funds of the Trust; or

          1. donated, loaned or leased property to the Trust and shall be so elected by the Board of Trustees entitling them to membership of the Trust for life.

        1. LIFE MEMBERS: Those persons who shall have donated the sum of $1,000 in single payment to the funds of the Trust, entitling them to the membership for life.

        1. ORDINARY MEMBERS: Those persons who shall pay an annual subscription of not less than $10 to the funds of the Trust.

            1. Those organisations, firms or bodies corporate which shall make an annual donation of $100;or

          1. Schools or other educational institutions which shall pay an annual subscription of $5.00 to the funds of the Trust.

        1. FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Those persons who became members of the Trust before the 31st March, 1970 and made a donation of $25.00.
    2. The payment of a subscription shall be deemed to be an application by the subscriber for admission to the appropriate membership class.

    1. Applications for membership shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Board and shall be approved by the Board.

    1. Annual subscriptions shall fall due on the 1st January of each calendar year; provided that a first subscription paid on or after 1st October in any one year shall exempt the subscriber from the payment of a further subscription in the calendar year immediately following that in which the first subscription was paid.

    1. Subject to the provisons of sub-rule (4) above, any member who shall not have paid his subscription before the date fixed by the Board for the Annual General Meeting in any year, shall automatically cease to be a member of the Trust with effect from the date so fixed by the Board.


  1. The provisions of sub-rules (4) and (5) above shall not apply to any member who shall have entered into a Deed of Covenant with the Trust to pay a specified subscription annually for a prescribed number of years until such time as the member shall have failed to make payment in the due time, or shall have fully discharged his obligations under the terms of the Deed, in which case the said sub-rules (4) and (5) shall apply as if the last recorded payment was a first subscription.

Rules of Association of The St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust

Rule 2 - The Board of Trustees

    1. Management of the Trust shall be vested in a Board of Trustees. Members of the Board shall hold office for three years with the exception of the Minister who shall be ex-officio a member of the Board.

    1. Members of the Board shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting. The Board shall consist of not less than eight nor more than twelve members. The members of the Board shall elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer from among the members. In the event of no member of the outgoing Board being re-elected, the Board shall be entitled to elect one of its members to continue on the new Board for a period of one year.

    1. Vacancies arising through the death, incapacity, resignation, absence from three consecutive meetings of the Board without reasonable explanation to the satisfaction of the Board, or from any other cause may be filled by the Board except the office of Chairman, in which case the Vice-Chairman shall continue as Chairman for the un-expired period of the Board.
        1. The Board shall have the power to appoint either in an honorary or paid capacity such professional, technical, clerical, and other officers as it may deem necessary from time to time with such responsibilities and duties as the Board may prescribe.
        2. n

      1. Officers appointed by the Board under this rule may be invited to attend meetings of the Board, but shall not be entitled to vote in any proceedings.
        1. The Board shall have the power to appoint such sub-committees of the Trust as it may deem necessary from time to time with such terms of reference and responsibilities as the Board may determine.

      1. The Board may appoint such persons as it thinks fit to membership of sub-committees of the Trust and shall appoint a member of the Board as Convenor of each sub-committee.

    1. The Board shall meet at such time and places as the Chairman of the Board shall determine and not less than seven days' notice of all meetings shall be sent to each member in writing by the Honorary Secretary.

    1. A quorum of the Board shall consist of four members. If a quorum is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned to a day, time and place fixed by the Chairman and not less than seven days' notice of such adjourned meeting shall be given to members of the Board. At the adjourned meeting those present shall form a quorum.
        1. All members of the Board present shall each have one vote, and in the case of equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting shall have a second casting vote.

      1. Any member having pecuniary interest of any kind in a matter shall disclose such fact to the meeting when that matter is under discussion; he shall be precluded from voting thereon and may be asked by the Chairman to withdraw from any part of such discussion.

    1. Not less than four members of the Board may sign a requisition calling for a meeting and setting out the business to be discussed and the Honorary Secretary shall within fourteen days summon a meeting in the manner set out in (6) above.

    1. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall act as Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the members present at the meeting shall appoint one of their number to act as Chairman.

  1. No act or proceedings of any meeting of the Board shall be questioned on account of any vacancy in their body.

Rule 3 - General Meeting of the Trust

    1. An Annual General Meeting shall be held every year on a date fixed by the Board but which shall not be later than the month of March in any year.

    1. The Chairman may call a Special General Meeting whenever he deems it desirable to do.

        1. Not less than twelve members of the Trust may sign a petition calling for a Special General Meeting and setting out the business to be discussed and the Chairman shall, within twenty-one days of receiving such a petition, call a Special General Meeting

      1. If the Chairman refuses to call a meeting after a requisition for that purpose, signed by not less than twelve members, has been presented to him, and twelve members may forthwith on that refusal convene a meeting.

    1. The Honorary Secretary shall give not less than seven clear days' notice to members of the date, time and place of a General Meeting called in accordance with the provisions of this Rule and of the Agenda of such a meeting.

        1. All persons, institutions, organisations, firms or bodies corporate who or which are members of the Trust shall be entitled to one vote.

        1. At an election of members of the Board, each member shall be entitled to one vote.

        1. At all other General Meetings of the Trust all members present who are qualified under Rule 1 shall be entitled to vote on any matter and the majority of such members present shall decide all issues.

      1. The Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as his original vote

    1. The quorum at any General Meeting shall consist of ten members.

    1. The Chairman shall be the Chairman of all General Meetings of the Trust and in his absence, the Vice-Chairman shall act as Chairman. The Chairman shall have full power to control the conduct of the meeting. In the absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the members present at the meeting may appoint one of their number to act as Chairman.

  1. In addition to any other business to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting, the chairman shall report on the affairs of the Trust and the Honorary Treasurer shall submit an audited statement of the finances of the Trust.

Rules of Association of The St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust

Rule 4 - Accounts

The books of the Trust shall be closed on the 31st December of each year and shall be audited annually.

Rule 5 - Notice of General Meetings

Any notice required to be given by these rules will be good and sufficient if published in a newspaper of Government Gazette.

Rule 6 - Amendments of Rules

The Rules of the Trust may be amended at any Meeting of the Board of Trustees by a two-thirds majority of all members provided notice in writing of the proposed amendment has been given to the Honorary Secretary at least twenty-one days before the date of such Meeting.

Made the 6th day of February, 1980 by the Board of Trustees under section 8 of the Saint Vincent National Trust Ordinance 1969 (NO. 32 of 1969)

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust was established in 1969 to assist with – among other things – the preservation and management of historical monuments and sites and to safeguard the cultural patrimony of the country. Within recent years however, it appeared that interest waned and the Trust remained dormant for sometime.

Recognizing the important role that the Trust could play in restoring pride and building national identity, Cabinet appointed a Board of Trustees to spearhead the revitalization of the Trust with support from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture as parent Ministry. The Trust is now truly revived and has been organizing meetings and a number of activities aimed at building awareness of our heritage.

Meetings of both the Board and the general membership have been held and plans are being developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture for the creation of a National Museum and Art Gallery. The Trust is expected to play an important role in the preservation and promotion of the nation’s cultural heritage and in safeguarding such for posterity. As such, Government took the decision to allocate office space at the downstairs of the Carnegie Building for the National Trust. This space has now been renovated and now serves as the Headquarters of the National Trust.

For more Information on the National Trust Click here


Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture
Hon. Carlos James